Monthly Archives: August 2010

Meghan McCain: Sarah Palin Brought ‘Drama,’ ‘Panic’ To 2008 Presidential Campaign (VIDEO)

“I mean, she brought so much momentum and enthusiasm to the campaign.” Since when is enthusiasm a necessary political trait? This is the job of a Cheerleader, not a VP. So much disingenuous duplicity.
At least at this point, the Republicans have properly relegated Palin to the sidelines like she should have been all along. Meghan McCain can be very astute sometimes, but she is still the daughter of the Geriatric Maverick. Who would care two iotas about her opinion if it weren’t for her Dad? I wish she would take this opportunity to be frank and honest, then I might respect her on her own.
Dirty Stupid Politics as Usual.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Poll: Majority Of GOP Believes Obama Sympathizes With Islamic Fundamentalism, Wants Worldwide Islamic Law

Please, give me a break. Acting like the “South” is responsible for the downturn is just like saying only the Republicans are bigots. There is no black and white. Idiocy is the enemy, not me. Fight that, and please, for the love of Iced Tea, quit harping on the South. That kind of divisive argumentation does little to heal the broken nation we all share last time I checked. I am Southern, and I bet you and I agree on a lot more than we disagree on, some of us are JUST LIKE YOU. NOT ALL REPUBLICANS. I mean, really? I don’t think everyone in the North is a Democrat. wow.
More on Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Anti-Universe Could Be Found By Giant Particle Detector Headed To Space

But there again, you are saying the universe is a whole, which it is not. it is not whole, nor a whole, unless you are speaking of a capture of time in specifics. what you describe is the delineation between meta and manifested physics.
Reality is change, not a stasis. It is for that reason, it would be true to describe the nature of the Conditioned world as non mathematical, as there seems to be no underlying logical structure to war, poverty, greed, love, death. But that which we cannot speak of, true reality, the absence of all such nonsensical categorization that we have created and agreed upon, it may very well be mathematically based but with a formulaic structure our minds cannot grasp, yet.
if it bothers you to think that the world can be calculated, don’t think that, i would never try to sway you away from your comfort zone.
it takes all kinds. and I believe we find what we seek. i seek logic. it is the journey. logic gives me comfort and does little to diminish the beauty of the universe.
not everyone need to see roses and rainbows, i really dig learning about photosynthesis and light refraction. roses still smell and sweet and ROY G. BIV.
to each, his own.
thank you for sharing your views.
More on NASA
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Becoming a terrorist to prove terrorism is wrong.

Mosque-Hating Rednecks Discover That Gasoline Can Burn Things.

Remind me again why THESE people don’t like THOSE?

Glenn Beck is not just missing facts.

Janis Alanis Zingaro: Ok. 1. Glenn Beck is not just missing facts. He.

Former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman Comes Out: I’m Gay

no only no. but he-llllllllllll no. the people who fight against gay rights, often the most determined and diligent, those who ROAR the loudest, are quite often gayer than a Garland/Minelli Festival on the anniversary of Liberace’s birthday.
Classic self hatred. Pity. I wish for everyone to love themselves for who they are but too often when we hate ourselves, we like to spread it around.
May his god forgive him, and the Parades welcome him. But he has a lot of work to do to right his wrongs.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Gypsies and Tramps: YES! Liars and Thieves: NO!

Everywhere I turn, lying and stealing. Work, check. Home, check. Driving down the highway? Probably.

I try not to be one of those whiny ass people who sits around saying, “Why me?”

Instead I try to be like, Why NOT me? Why shouldn’t I get an opportunity to grow, learn, feel, think? Hurt, heal. It occurs to me that it would be impossible to be the best Bodhisattva one could, without experiencing, owning, then letting go of all the fleeting human emotions. How can I assist others over the wall if I am unable to climb it myself?

No one ever said it would be easy. But does it have to be so hard? The more ‘aware’ I become, the more I understand Bliss as more of an existential callousness, even though, I know it is not that. It is necessary to see the pain before you can imagine treating it.

It is just that  much more of a great travesty, when the sentient beings you vowed your services to, return the favor by manipulating, lying and stealing.  Is it my delivery? No. People are going to do whatever they will. You cannot stop that, pray it away, nor should you be concerned.

The only choice we ever really have is how we allow those actions to affect us personally.

You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.  -Buddha

Ceci aussi passera.

The GYPSYs under attack. Please read: The Expulsion of the Roma by Vinay Lal

Please read this fabulous, thoughtful article about racism. Thank you Vinay Lal. Much appreciated.

 Some 150 years after the French Revolution, Chairman Mao was asked what he thought of that watershed moment in modern history.  Mao is reported to have said, ‘It’s too early to tell’!  Mao has been credited with many things, but his sardonic wit has been underestimated.  What might he have had in mind?  That a revolution devours its own children is something about which Mao would have known a thing or two.  Could it be that the promise of the F … Read More

via Lal Salaam: A Blog by Vinay Lal

Why I drink my Whiskey straight.

On the way to my grandmother’s wake, my father took me on a detour by his house. On his way to change, he said to me, “Why don’t you pour us a drink.” Removing his tie, he added, “Use the good glasses.”

I perilously removed my mother’s gleeming Crystal rocks glasses. In all these years, this was the first time I even touched them. My dad made his usual hand signal known as Igor’s Two Fingers. It kinda looks like a Rock On sign turned sideways to denote his desire that I pour “Two Fingers” of whiskey in each glass.

I should note this is different than bartending Two Fingers, which generally denoted the index and middle digit representing a typical ounce in standard rocks glass. No.  Igor’s Two Fingers meant pour between the index and the pinky. Yikes. Ok. Wow.

I remember being so careful putting the ice in the fragile glasses. 3 half moons made by the freezer. Approximately 3/4 of an inch thick. I pulled out the barrel of Crown. Removed its purple sleeping bag. And I poured us both Two Fingers.

About this time Big Daddy returned, dressed more for the blistering heat, for there was about to be some smokin’, drinkin’, confessin’, and lamentin’ abouta go down.

He sauntered up to the table, and viewing my proximity to the Soda bottle next to me, he very clearly said, (with words I had never heard him utter), “You’re not gonna fuck that up with Sprite are you?”

With a proud but quivering lip, I boldly responded, “No sir.”

I trusted him without, beyond any doubt. I did not believe in any way, that everything he told me, was anything less than the way it should be.   He was my God. He was my Buddha. And if he says don’t mix whiskey, well, I am not going to. In ten years, I never have. Funny enough, even though I rarely understood or fully grasped his lessons in the moment, I always find them to ring true in the long run.

We went on to the back porch. Smoked and drank. Cooled off. He lectured me on Liquor, but as usual, what he was talking about had little to do with what he was trying to teach me.

All I could think, was man, I am gonna have to get a lot tougher to do this man’s legacy justice. And I did. Even more so when he passed. What he taught me is to keep it simple. Don’t trade present sweetness for latter misery. Take it slow. Choose quality over quantity. Yes, all from learning how to drink whiskey straight.

Its funny how one moment can change your life forever. One curse word. Oh how I love it.

Bushmills, three cubes (depending on the cubes, of course) Two Fingers.

Here’s how it ain’t about Hallowed Ground.

IF “Hallowed Ground” meant ANYTHING to ANYONE of those chanting it, they would be renouncing anything but Tepees there. STFU. So sick of your f’ng hypocrisy.  This country was founded by ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Ask any Native if they want your Anglo ass here. Just because they did not have an Ellis Island does not diminish what we did. So, it just stinks of hypocrisy when we start going MINE MINE anywhere on this continent. Get over yourselves. This ain’t yours, it ain’t mine. We inherit it from our ancestors and bestow it to our descendants.

IF you had any TRUE appreciation for Hallowed Ground, you would be able to see the Bay from midtown. It is what it is, it ain’t what it ain’t.

The concept of Hallowed Ground does not begin with what America thinks it owns. Other people, long before us held that land sacred, and we did not give two shits about that did we. Is it only wrong when it offends US? Balderdash.

Fakes and phonies.