Monthly Archives: February 2014

Wow. Federal Judge Rules Texas Ban On Same-Sex Marriage Unconstitutional

Federal Judge Rules Texas Ban On Same-Sex Marriage Unconstitutional | ThinkProgress.

For once, I am at a loss for words.

No wait, congratulations friends.

Equality Texas Foundation

Equality Texas Foundation.

Jack Burkman is an idiot

Client Fires Lobbyist Over Push To Ban Gays From NFL | ThinkProgress.

So, the government should NOT control guns, but this motherfucker wants them to regulate sexuality in the NFL?

Whacknuts like this guy is why conservativism is a joke. There are so many things wrong with this I don’t know where to start.

First, way to go DC Solar. Secondly, hiss and boo at anyone else who stays connected to this guy. I know you like to think that his opinions are his and his job is to lobby for your interests, but believe me, when fundaMENTALists work, they are always trying to fit their agenda in somewhere. If you are associated, even merely ‘professionally’ with a bigoted, ignornt asshole, you will be subject to their karma. That is a fact. So, drop him, or drop any chance you have at success.

They only way to win against these fucktards is to teach them that their prejudices and willingness to waste time, money and energy to hate people will cost them dearly.

Jordan Davis’ Mother Says Killing Of Her Unarmed Teen Son Was Racial

Jordan Davis' Mother Says Killing Of Her Unarmed Teen Son Was Racial | ThinkProgress.

I guess Jordan’s mother hasn’t heard about all the white kids being shot because they won’t turn down Katy Perry.

Oh, wait. That’s right. There aren’t any.

Again, I implore you humanity. Get your shit together. Imagine if your life ended at 17. All the things, people, love, wonder you would have missed.

Quit killing kids because you are a chicken shit scaredy cat who has a hair trigger finger, a short fuse, and ignorant understanding of what standing your ground means.

Holy Shirtless Friday : theBERRY

Holy Shirtless Friday : theBERRY.


Thanks theBerry!

Jordan Davis travesty

Juror: Some On Panel Thought The Killing Of Unarmed Teen Jordan Davis Was 'Justified' | ThinkProgress.

Where do I start? First and foremost, I believe in standing my ground. I believe in protecting myself from harm. I believe in the right to bear arms.

But I am a reasonable person. It is not an essential problem with the Stand Your Ground laws, but the application of the law that scares the shit out of me.

What is with all these trigger happy, meek and meely scared as a church mouse, gun toting vigilantes that are erupting everywhere, though mostly in Florida, so far.

Really? You are afraid of a boy with Skittles and tea? Really? You feel threatened by loud music? Really??? You think you are mature enough to carry a gun but not mature enough to know when to walk, run, or drive away before you fucking kill someone, who—is an unarmed child?

If you have to stand your ground against teenagers with candy and loud music, you aren’t much of a man or a woman, and you have little ground to stand. You do not deserve to carry a pencil let alone a weapon of mass destruction.

THREE jurors found Jordan’s murder justifiable. THREE. Assuming there were 12 jurors, that is indicative of one QUARTER representation of this sentiment in society. That is fucked up. But hey, those people are Dunn’s peers. They think kids ought to be shot if they don’t turn down their radio, and they are among all of us. One in four people in this trial jury believe rambunctious teenagers deserve a death penalty. What. The. Fuck.

Get it together humans. Seriously.

What All 32 NFL Teams Said About Michael Sam’s Coming Out

What All 32 NFL Teams Said About Michael Sam's Coming Out | ThinkProgress.

I realize that a handful of PR reps and individuals do not make a quorum, but I am pretty proud of the NFL today, and these men who took the time to comment. I am following Mike Sam whereever he goes, so I hope a good team picks him and I hope this is not just smoke being blown.

Cop Allegedly Shot Teenaged Boy After Mistaking His Wii Controller For A Gun | ThinkProgress

Cop Allegedly Shot Teenaged Boy After Mistaking His Wii Controller For A Gun | ThinkProgress.

The real title should be Cop shot teenaged boy after ALLEGEDLY mistaking his Wii controller for a gun.

She did NOT allegedly shoot him. She shot him. As he opened the fucking door. Why? Because she couldn’t tell the difference between a video game controller and a gun. Done. Fire that dumb bitch.

What. The. Fuck.

This officer should be horsewhipped and disarmed for life. I am so sick of reading this shit. Use of deadly force should be the LAST option. Not the open the door option. I hope his family sues the shit out of the PD.

Shocker Alert: Scott Walker Knew Of Illegal Campaign Coordination | ThinkProgress

Emails Suggest Scott Walker Knew Of Illegal Campaign Coordination | ThinkProgress.

Was there any doubt?

What I love most about this is how Darlene Wink is appealing her conviction not because she is innocent, but that the evidence that proved her guilty should not be considered. Brilliant! I will have to remember that and ask any future juries I am before to only consider the evidence that acquits me.

I cannot wait to see Walker crumble. Wisconsin deserves better.

Whoopi Goldberg Said Something Stupid about Rape on The View Again

So, if only the girl is drunk, is it totally her fault? This has nothing to do with alcohol, it has to do with the rape culture and how we treat it. I don’t care what drugs you or your conquest are on, you are still responsible for forcing yourself on someone else against their will or with a deficient level of cognizance. No one gets a pass, regardless of how the time before an attack was spent. NO ONE chooses to be raped, ever. There is only a decision to rape made by rapists, that is why it is wrong. No one ever consented to rape via their actions, clothing, or intoxication level. That, is the very nature of the attack of rape–nonconsentual. Until we address that (the fact that if women want to dress “slutty” they have a right! and if they want to get drunk they have a right! without having to carry around the burden that they if they get attacked that some people will blame them), and hold those responsible for their actions, all this talk about a woman’s role in her own rape is disgusting, useless, and distractionary.

Whoopi Goldberg Said Something Stupid about Rape on The View Again.