Monthly Archives: August 2009

Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says « – Blogs from

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive – Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says « – Blogs from

Just because you say something does not make it true.  As a matter of fact, every word that comes from Cheney’s mouth is suspect.

To quote George Costanza–Its not a lie, if you believe it.

The interview Cheney did on FOX News was ridiculous

Check it out here.

He is scared. And this is good. He is desperate, this is bad. I would not put it past him, to arrange a bombing on our soil just to win this argument.

Trust me people, the world will trust us, and thank us for holding our own accountable.  Bush and Cheney broke the Geneva Convention, in OUR name. It is as disgusting as it is dishonorable. And the only ones who can truly hold them accountable is US. The citizens of this once great nation.   If you do not seek this opportunity to correct our mistakes, you are just as bad as all the followers of another certain regime which resulted in the treaties we signed to prevent this from happening.

Have some integrity. Show the world that we will not stand for torture or EIT. Torture by any other name is torture.

through my lens

through my lens.

i am fortunate enough to personally know this awesome photographer, but if you want to feel as close to him as i do, just look at these incredible scenes.

while many things can be photographed, marcos takes a special concern with getting the most life out of seemingly inanimate objects.

life is all around us, but it often seems better through his lens.

enjoy, and you are welcome.

Sarah, everyone is watching and waiting…

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive – Palin’s PAC forced to correct FEC filing « – Blogs from

Any idiot can see this is no big deal. I won’t make a smart crack about dumbness and what not. It happens.

If we glean anything from this, it should be, that the public is watching and waiting for this woman to make a mistake. She has offended the sensibility of a great many people, who are waiting in the wings for ammunition against her, should she decide to pursue her unrealistic goals.

Keep it coming, all liars and thieves reveal themselves in time.

Shocker!!! China opposes Dalai Lama’s Taiwan visit

China opposes Dalai Lama’s Taiwan visit –

How sad that China is so afraid of a simple monk.  It speaks volumes of their confidence in their own message.

Cheney meet logic

I have voiced my opinion. It is clear. But now, I will present my logical argument for why what Dick Cheney is doing and has done, is reprehensible.

1. The Geneva Convention

International Humanitarian Law – Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention.

We agreed to this. We signed off on this. We helped create this. We are bound to this. So, even if you think it is proper to torture human beings, if you think these are the actions of a Christian Nation, and you think Cheney and Bush did no wrong, in your eyes, KNOW THIS: it doesn’t matter what you think. We put our name on this pact, these treatises, these promises to the dignity of human life, a very specific article, PROMISING not to do these things, that we have done as a nation who put these men in charge.

If ANYONE else in the world did these things, we would feel, as a nation, the ultimate responsibility to hold them accountable. If we as a nation do not hold these men accountable, we are willing accomplices to these crimes. And you like to fancy yourselves a Christian Nation. Ha! I read the Bible, and nowhere does Jesus tell you to torture your “enemy”. It is sick. And as I sit here, an American, I want to tell the world that I did not want this. I do not agree. I want justice for those who are wronged. Because that is what my America is about.

We must walk the walk.

2 . Integrity

For months now, Cheney has been hemming and hawing about how everything he did was legal. Everything they did was on the nation’s behalf, for the “greater good”. He has unwaveringly stood behind every choice he made, despite bringing the world to financial ruin, and starting two wars that never seem to end. But now, now that he is looking at being prosecuted for his betrayal of true American ideals for the sake of greed, he would like to divert the attention from himself and recycle his old fear-mongering tactics and claim that this prosecution puts us at risk.

So, my question for you is—if everything he did was in the right, and he has nothing to hide or feel shame for, then why the cloaking? Because let me tell you, if I were accused of horrible things, and I knew I didn’t do them, then I would welcome any investigation that came my way, and I would cooperate fully to clear my name. But if I knew I was guilty, I might freak out and try to take down as many people in my well of misery as I could. But I wouldn’t do that, because I am not manipulating an international treatise on human rights.

If they are innocent, let them provide us with the information to realize this ourselves. And clear our nation’s name internationally.

I suspect though, this is not the case. We shall see.

I just find it hilariously ironic and sickeningly sad how people out there just gloss over the logistics of Cheney’s argument. Is it that you just like to torture people? Or you don’t mind? How are you all ok with this? I really want to know. I really really want to know.

It is beyond absurd that we purport to have any moral authority whatsoever in this world, when we allow these travesties to go unchecked. Even if, and especially if we are the ones who deserve reproof. We will never stand as a proud nation with such karma swirling around us. I do not wish to be a part of sweeping this under the rug. I think this is wrong, and I want to know why you don’t.

Veterans Affairs! Get your shit together. Really????

VA to apologize: Mistakenly told some vets they had Lou Gehrig’s disease – The CNN Wire – Blogs.

I am feeling less and less confident about the government running health care. In a totally unrelated (kinda) incident from them paying themselves bonuses while Veterans go with out care, the VA sent letters to near 1200 vets mistakenly telling them they have ALS, a neurological fatal disease. OOPS! WTH???

This level of ineptitude scares the shit out of me.

Cheney feels the heat

What a psycho. But I would expect him to say this. He is the devil and all. If they go after the CIA, all roads lead to him.   Reap it asshole. The world will know your cowardice and they will thank Obama for bringing it to light. I support this endeavor whole heartedly.

This is the only way to ensure that these travesties never happen again.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive – Cheney takes swipe at Obama over prosecutor « – Blogs from

for the logical argument sans opinion click here

Bernanke could not pour water out of a boot if the directions were on the heel

What the hell is Obama thinking? This guy said we weren’t headed for a Recession, and was part of this whole stimulus scam scheme.

Check out this article from FEB 08. Really? Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Bernanke sees no recession

Save off leash dog parks in Austin

Please sign this petition to save parks for dogs to swim in. It gets to be well over 100 degrees through out 5-6 months a year here. These city dogs need a place to swim.  This move to ban is from a small selfish bitter group of dogless people who already have many dog free parks to choose from.  Please help our four legged friends.

Washington! Fix this.

The epitome of hypocrisy.  We average citizens are fighting for insurance, yeah that is shitty, but to do this to the men and women who have served our country, oh my god it makes me sick. How dare you?

And I am supposed to trust this government run insurance, when this happens to veterans?   This does not bode well for our government.  Or us. #cnn