Category Archives: 360

360º What comes around, goes around.

It’s the law. It’s her duty. And she just so happens to like kickin’ the living $#!% out of criminals, liars and thieves. Ruby Junaper Leggedavio: more than just another pretty face, she’s a Texas beauty in New York City, armed to hilt and is about to clean house.

After her father, Texas Ranger JR Leggedavio dies, Ruby Junaper aka “Sure Shot” must choose between “family businesses” in Austin, Texas and Little Italy, New York, as the lines between cops and criminals gets crossed.

Ruby Junaper wanted to be a cop just like her old man ever since she was born. Over the years she got a taste of what guns could do, how they kill, and even that it was necessary sometimes. The mad dogs and then Jack in Iraq, and the mindless destruction. It was all too much. Guns were not fun and she gave them up. Forget the natural aptitude. Leave behind the multitude of contest ribbons, medals and trophies. She still loves her hero father, but maybe being an officer of the law isn’t for her. Besides, her brothers are cops, and her cousins are cops and her Paw Paws were cops…their paws paws, and mother never liked the idea anyway. The evening of her college graduation RJ prepares to tell her father of her decision, when out of the blue, JR dies.

JR expected RJuna to follow him, that was clear. Why their very name means Law and Duty. He willed her his service revolver and badge. What could she do?

Own the experience while honoring traditions, after the Police Academy, RJ takes a position offered in the big city. She leaves behind the only justice she’s ever known to find that these are not her father’s law men. Ruby experiences further complications by encountering a Buddhist Mafioso with whom she develops an inexplicable rapport.

The underlying story of Juna’s friendship with Kris Nash, an urban do-gooder, yoga instructor/mystic guide hints to the otherworldly elements inspired by the Vedic/Hindu religious text called The Bhagavad-Gita. 360º is a modern telling of a story older than civilization about the struggle between right and wrong, the strength of “family” bonds and how what goes around, comes around.

If Wyatt Earp and Princess Grace had a child…

360º is a metaphorical autobiography. I am a Parabolist. Janis Alanis Zingaro, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Seventy-five percent of this script is based on true events, with the other quarter being one-hundred percent true. Bam! I have three degrees in Philosophy spanning East to West. I am a Nagarjunian. The war is within. I carve totem poles.

Thank you in abundance for you time and consideration. Yes. You all have a wonderful day.

Next step, production. WGA registered/ @copy:2011