Monthly Archives: October 2009

Jury hears boy, 7, describe how mother attacked him and his brother –

Jury hears boy, 7, describe how mother attacked him and his brother –

What the hell is wrong with people?

Imagining the Tenth Dimension is wicked awesome

String theory! I love this. I find it to be a good representation of scientific karma.

Check out part two.


Did Schwarzenegger say f**k you to legislature? « – Blogs from

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive – Did Schwarzenegger say f**k you to legislature? « – Blogs from

Finally, something funny from the government. I love Ahnald.!

Carl Sandburg, where have you been all my life?

Under the Harvest Moon
Carl Sandburg
Under the harvest moon,
When the soft silver
Drips shimmering
Over the garden nights,
Death, the gray mocker,
Comes and whispers to you
As a beautiful friend
Who remembers.Under the summer roses
When the flagrant crimson
Lurks in the dusk
Of the wild red leaves,
Love, with little hands,
Comes and touches you
With a thousand memories,
And asks you
Beautiful, unanswerable questions.

Fool me once, shame on you

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

You know what stinks in being a responsible human? Having to take responsibility. It is difficult, oh, I get that. People DO NOT want to do it. I don’t always want to.  But we gotta.   The worst though, is when you have to own up to your part in your own frustrations. When people screw you over and you have to have a long talk with your SELF to determine just how it got this far.

You wanted to believe. And it gets thrown in your face. Nobody made you want to believe, even if they encouraged your delusion with hyperbolic expressions of charity. You, you still are responsible for wanting to believe. No gun to your head. No threats to your person. Just a lack of awareness that blindsides you. Still, we are responsible for both our actions AND expectations even and especially, when we let them override our awareness of how things ARE, as opposed to how we WANT them to be.

People lie right to your face. You cannot stop them.  People are gunning for number one, make no mistake. You cannot force them to realize their selfishness.  But what you can do, is be aware of the folly.  Shake it off knowing that you can change you.   Conquer the desire to want, even if it is to trust. Accept them as they are, expect nothing, and be pleasantly surprised when anyone does anything for someone else.   Do not doubt that they will, nor should you simply hope.  If something good is to be done, do it, and let others follow if they choose.

The Dharma Wheel turns so that nothing sticks to it. Turn, turn, turn.


You cannot stop people from trying to take advantage of you, they will do what it takes to get what they want, but you can stop them by releasing their hold on you.   Having nothing they can take even if you are left naked with your integrity alone.

Anger is just a mask An Ode to Logic

Anger is just a mask

For failed expectations.

If we had no expectations of being treated fairly, why would it anger us or even surprise us when we are not?

It wouldn’t.

Expectations are the seeds of disappointment.

The question is, how do we live without fostering this human nature of expecting based on our own personalities, desires and       hope?

it is a sticky one.

But I know that I am never angry, when I see it coming.  It is when I tell myself, surely, surely, not. But that is my hope talking not my logic.

Hope! Ha. Expectation and hope are intrinsically linked. You have to believe without proof which will only follow and can be justified or regretted.

Yep. Logic is the way to go. We don’t always like what we hear, but maybe we will, but it is solid. No denying that.

sans attentes.

Bigotries and the Bigots that beget them

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive – Tea Party Express kicks off 38-city tour « – Blogs from

I see through you like saran wrap. Your approach makes no sense. You are counter intuiting to the point of self charicaturization.

Hey you, holding the sign about the constitution belonging to the people, have you seen the Patriot Act?

Bound by the glory of fear and bigotry you march, because every step you take is running from that which scares you.

Your ignorance is all pervading and in a collective it only becomes stronger.

You say you want less government then you demand them to peek in our bedrooms and muscle in on our religious ceremonies.

You “want to save money” but only if it is taking away from the poor and given to the insurance companies.

You say you are “pro-life” but rally for war.

You say the BIBLE is the WORD of GOD, yet you are proposing an edit of it.

That is all telling.

If the Bible can be edited, what makes you think it hasn’t been already??? Word of God, yeah.

Sad really, pathetic mostly, hilarious often.

Crass. It is a defense mechanism.

Crass. It is a defense mechanism.  I sputter this and that explicative filled diatribe from an angst ridden place of perceived disenfranchisement.  What’s a girl to do?

I see it. Oh, yeah, I get it. I see the illusion and all the self propelled falsehoods we mire in daily. I am in it too. And when I get caught in the whirlwind, damn it. Damn it! Shoulda seen that coming. Idiot.

Oh, if I had the time to relate all that I see it would take eternity.

This is not an apology.

More like an elegy.

And that is why I curse. If I curse you I curse myself. I actually cursed myself, angry that I missed the signs pointing to collapse of trust and faith. I should know better. I should have seen that coming.  But I must forgive everyone, including myself. And I like cursing. It is the only part of language that still feels alive. Thanks to the 7 words.

Media bans only promote their excitement.

Sarcasm helps me cope.  People don’t like to be reminded that they are not doing what they are supposed to be. Lazy people hate being asked to do their job. People say things like, ‘You make me feel bad when you do your job, while I sit on my ass. YOU make ME feel bad when I do nothing, while you are doing something. ’  They really do say this, perhaps I paraphrase but the sentiment stands.

People say, “You are a genius, You are amazing, You are the best __________  ever.”  Other People say, “You are an asshole, You are mean, You are curt.” Who do you believe?  The ones who cheer you? Or jeer you? (What if)  There are more of the former than the latter, so what, who? Yeah. I am both over and beneath it.

Praise or Blame. It is all the same. Curse or compliment, I suppose it is just a matter of perspective.

El Fin

Saying goodbye…

What I was really hanging around for, I was trying to feel some kind of a good-by.  I mean I’ve left schools and places I didn’t even know I was leaving them.  I hate that.  I don’t care if it’s a sad good-by or a bad good-by, but when I leave a place I like to know I’m leaving it.  If you don’t, you feel even worse.

Thank you Holden, thank you J.D.

Underweight Girl Denied Insurance Coverage – Denver News Story – KMGH Denver

Underweight Girl Denied Insurance Coverage – Denver News Story – KMGH Denver.

Really?  And people don’t believe we need to provide a severe CHECK to the Insurance companies?

First a healthy bouncing baby boy now a teeny tiny baby girl.

Let this be a warning. You are next. For whatever reason they want, you, yes you who are so happy with your insurance, can be denied at any time.

For any reason.

Please do not act like you were not warned. This is sad and sick. These people are of the few who can actually afford insurance, and they are being denied.

You are next. Believe that.