Monthly Archives: July 2014


Is there solace for the prodigal savant
Searching for light in the darkest of hollows
Alone in starkness, surrounded by the enemy
smothered by enmity that follows them
hauntingly like a ghost
from room to room, life to life
day to day casting shadows
Myopically arrested;
the apotheosis of neurosis
no sleep for weeks, in a smoky daze of
soul crushing Kafkan psychosis
Do not look for me there, my friend,
I have long ago since faded.
Remember fondly, how the soul shined like a sun,
before the world invaded.


By the day to day.
Drifting into nothing.
Wasting away.
Not a soul aware nor one word spoken.
No one can see the broken fragments of what used to be.
The charade of the century.

Is the truth what is seen? Quite the contrary.
That facade is manufactured.
Designed to parry presumptions
that have left a soul maimed and fractured.
Tessellated into monochrome, lost in Purgatory.
No book cover once ever told the entire story.

With every oat of praise;
each fertile crop of sycophancy
erects another blockade in the maze
Escape becomes a fantasy.
The price of the performer; the show must go on.
Unmatched in the craft of convincing dusk is dawn.

Days go on forever
The nights are twice as long
A picture of perfection by design
with a foundation appearing strong
Nothing’s ever as good as it seems from the start
Reality built on the visions of dreams still fall apart.

Beauty is in the eye of those who behold
fueling fires in the ego mold,
without a trace of irony
only to leave the soul out in the brutal cold of a
superficial tyranny.
As the super novae dies alone out in the universe of darkness
Quixotic allure starves unrecognized; fading into starkness


Engulfed in the thrall of perception
Shackled by the addiction
to outside forces; self deception
Ambushed by unfettered mass affliction
from every direction
turning inwards
until the war becomes internal.

Dig a tunnel and it caves.
A wall too high to scale.
Live out the days; dig your own graves
Crave thirstily the unholy grail
filled with salt water as your reward
from the overlords of the infernal.

Running faster, jumping higher
Never get ahead.
Gather brush, light the pyre.
Perhaps fire can destroy the dread
that haunts day and night, paralyzing the senses
into atrophy.

The only escape must be death.
This tunnel has no light.
Longing for that final breath.
Fatigued from a constant fight
in the face of hypocritical demoralizing pretenses
wreaking catastrophe.

This, surely is not, how life was meant to be.

My Love

Where have you gone, my dear old friend?
I’d love nothing more than to spend a day or three
in your company.
Are you mad with me? I’d expect it.
Lately, you are the most neglected
focus of my life, what with the
strife and et alii, all which
keep me very busy.
You’ve no idea how much I miss you.
I could kiss you.
I miss your warm embrace.
The smile you put on my face
after spending the night with you.
Just the thought makes my heart race,
what can I do,
to persuade you to come visit me soon?
I will wait with bated breathe;
as long as I live, until my death,
sowing what I reap.
A fugitive held hostage from respite
Please come and find me, my love.
I miss you dearly, Sleep.


Adored by many, hated by some; loved by each and all.
Worshipped and despised by the very same.
Hoping to see the fall.
Or capitalize on the fame.
Often both; in ways large and small, no matter the cost;
kill the artist, the art is lost.
Along with the cure.

Blithely dismiss all of humanity
for the sake of the inanity of establishment
and an agreed upon illusion.
This cultlike collusion for mediocrity
will not be tolerated and shall be destroyed.
On behalf the institution of truth.
Kshatryia has been deployed.
The path of a tornado; unavoidable revolution.

Feed on greed and the seeds you plant
will grow as weeds
nourished by your selfish slant of give me over
let me,
take and take.
How much does anyone need for heaven’s sake?
There is so much more at stake,
words will never trump deeds.

Exceed and lead, numbers, charts.
At the top, fall apart.
Give and give, never stop.
Glimpse a view from the very top.
Work and work and then drop; never claiming the prize.

More than a piece of you dies; lost most of you long ago.
Still never let it show, never disappoint,
Never asked to be annointed.
Don’t recall being appointed, yet responsibility even so;
is quite inescapable.

How far does the bodhi tread?
Until they are dead? No path will be denied.
Walk into the rip tide, swim to the other shore.
What you do is not always what you are here for.


gautam-buddhaSamsara hostage fugitive
To be forgiven or to forgive
Asks the perigee moon.
The tides roll high
towards the midnight sky
casting shadows on the picayune.

Ashes to dust and back again
Bound by vows or original sin
Karma curses mortals.
Vanquish doubt, strife and fears
watch as suffering disappears
in thresholds of mahasattvic portals.

Gate, gate, paragate
parasamgate bodhisattva
Find liberation on the other shore.
Prajnaparamita awaits you there,
once you lay down your oar.