Category Archives: Love Letters

Purple Paisley

Lately I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed & My faith in humanity and the omniverse in general has been flagging. But this story is not about that. Although, my self immolation is an integral part of this story.
The is about the kind of random awesomeness that happens to me literally all the time and I know it is this universe’s way of saying hey don’t lose hope. It’s the small things really, you know?
I went to the charity run thrift store where they let people have stuff and I’m not ashamed; if there’s any perk to being poor, it’s that other nice people give you free stuff that other poor people donate. I have always loved thrift stores even when I had money because I hate how we just throw things away. Recycle y’all. Everything has purpose.
Also, since I’ve had to flee every living space in the last 7 years without most of my personal belongings, I’m so sick of starting over but I do need grown up things like knives & food. I keep my expectations low & my gratitude high because I am grateful & nobody has to do these gracious acts but many do & I appreciate that. It guides me in my own personal practice to pay their kindness forward out of ultimate respect. And it’s all good and well. They offer a little bit of food which is great, it helps when you’re on a very tight budget. They also offer clothes and what not; I’ve gotten a couple of pair of cute shoes there. But today 2 great things happened. #1 I found A completely intact set of Sears hot rollers with all the original pins to hold them in and it’s the same set I 1st had in 6th grade approximately 40 years ago. I love hot rollers so much this was the find of a century. I plugged them in and they still get kind of hot, good enough. So super stoked.
THEN, this is where it gets even AWESOMER than the food & the rollers & the knives & the weird thing to cook my eggs in the microwave without them splooging everywhere — anyway, I digress.
#2 I was on my scooter and I ended up getting a lot more stuff than I was expecting because I had not gone into the houseware department of this awesome place before. So I’m trying to stack things up on my scooter and I have my backpack and I have a little basket in the back but I also have these 2 plastic sacks; my rollers and what not. I am trying to stack this to get home on my scooter, and mind you there are 30mph winds today, my entire trip was comical, my scooter kept swerving & the wind almost stopped me dead as my electric scooter struggled to meet its power head on. I had to take back roads to use buildings as shelter. It was nutso!
Anyway! As I’m about to leave with this ridiculous bounty, a very nice gentleman named Daniel walked up to me and he said I think I have a bag for you to put those extra things in if that will help you and I was embarrassed. I had already gotten so many awesome things on this visit and I didn’t wanna be greedy. But you know he was offering and I did need it, so I said yes. Instantly I felt terrible because I was like oh my gosh someone else probably needs that bag and I should have thought ahead… I just always feel like I’m taking too much and not giving enough. Even though I know that’s not true, I just don’t succeed as often as I want to help people & I take every failure to heart. It’s a very ugly inner dialogue I inherited from my mother. I’m working on it.
So when he comes out & hands me THIS BAG, I mean this freaking particular bag, I almost cried. I thought he was gonna bring me a burlap sack, which I would’ve loved! Sincerely. But Daniel brought me this delightful PURPLE & PAISLEY tote in brand new condition. This place is a loosely organized garage sale. Knick knacks. Curios. Crap. I love it all but it overwhelms me. It doesn’t take much for me to be overstimulated with the everything being everywhere. Smells. Colors. I can’t stay in there very long.
Anyone who knows me eventually learns 3 of my favorite things in all of reality are the color purple 💜 & (among many patterns) the paisley & mandala (Buddhist inspired) designs. (Patterns & textures & colors & smells & tastes may all be both triggers or calming agents for my C-PTSD & autism) They both comfort me like nag champa & Egyptian Licorice tea. I adore them both. So when I tell you, this man Daniel, who I had never laid eyes on me before he approached me, went into this warehouse of chaos & tchotchkes & somehow found the one bag I absolutely adored & could never turn down, I am gobsmacked! Not sure how I missed it. Or how no one else has taken it. A bag that no one who knew me for decades would have better chosen, a bag I have loved my entire life. & he just gave it to me like it wasn’t the most ginormous biggest freaking awesome deal ever. Just like that. NBD.
I think that was the Omniverse telling me I am sometimes an asshole to myself. Suggesting I can try at least being as nice to me as complete strangers are.
I’ve said so many times — I do not believe in coincidences. I really needed some kind of sign that my current efforts are valuable & my path is honorable. I don’t need lightning to strike or some grand divine gesture. A purple paisley tote from Daniel just refueled my determination & buoyed my faith perfectly. Very subtle yet not at all subtle.
Gonna send Daniel a thank you note.
I’m always grateful for any help I get from anywhere but there’s certainly something special about the Ministry of Hope organization.


Samsara hostage fugitive
To be forgiven or to forgive
Asks the perigee moon.
The tides roll high
towards the midnight sky
casting shadows on the picayune.

Ashes to dust and back again
Bound by vows or original sin
Karma curses mortals.
Vanquish doubt, strife and fears
watch as suffering disappears
in thresholds of mahasattvic portals.

Gate, gate, paragate
parasamgate bodhisattva
Find liberation on the other shore.
Prajnaparamita awaits you there,
once you lay down your oar.


gautam-buddhaSamsara hostage fugitive
To be forgiven or to forgive
Asks the perigee moon.
The tides roll high
towards the midnight sky
casting shadows on the picayune.

Ashes to dust and back again
Bound by vows or original sin
Karma curses mortals.
Vanquish doubt, strife and fears
watch as suffering disappears
in thresholds of mahasattvic portals.

Gate, gate, paragate
parasamgate bodhisattva
Find liberation on the other shore.
Prajnaparamita awaits you there,
once you lay down your oar.

Gasp. Russia goes to war after failing at Olympics

Russian warship 200 miles from Miami.

Was there any doubt? Putin is insane. Testerone driven and full of shit. The Russian Empire? They can’t even host sports. If this “empire” is a threat, the world is in worse shape than I thought it was.

Fuck you, Russia.

We have enough bombs to blow your itty bitty ships right off the globe. Sit down!

And for god’s sake stop with the posturing. I am so sick of little dick motherfuckers flexing military power when they feel appropriately inadequate.

All y’all need to step aside and quit ruining the world on your machismic whims.

Wow. Federal Judge Rules Texas Ban On Same-Sex Marriage Unconstitutional

Federal Judge Rules Texas Ban On Same-Sex Marriage Unconstitutional | ThinkProgress.

For once, I am at a loss for words.

No wait, congratulations friends.

GOP Schizophreny

Media fight on the right over GOP – Dylan Byers –


Yes. Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh, it isn’t the GOP that needs to change. You just need to change 51% of the country! Let me know how that works out for you.

I actually encourage this mindset as it will either destroy the GOP or it will divide it so badly that the GOP will no longer matter. Treat immigrants (the backbone of this nation) as criminals you hope to cure of their laziness and greed with jail or deportation. Treat women like 3rd class citizens and have public conversations disregarding their input about their bodies. Make bigoted commercials about Obama phones, try to disband unions, hide you money away in “blind trusts”, go for it! Please, I am begging you. Don’t ever change, because if you don’t, I can stop worrying about you having any credibility or chance at power.

Please. Carry on.




To all God fearing, America loving Patriots

To all of you who would save a fetus at the same time you’d sacrifice a soldier, who would argue for the sanctity of marriage after your third divorce or after cheating or beating on your wife, those of you who use the bible to justify your prejudice, self righteous judgments and hatred, those of you who claim to “have concern for your countrymen” but look the other way while 13,000,000 children starve in your backyard as the bombs we drop on other countries are purchased without care for cost, those of you who think being patriotic means rewarding greed while forcing medical bankruptcy on people dying of cancer as insurance companies allot for 18% of our nation’s GNP, to those of you who say you are prolife but also pro death penalty, I say–Fuck you. You are hypocrites. Yes I am talking to you if even one of these shoes fit.

I am sick of talking to people who only chose to get involved with politics when a half black man was elected. If you are mad about Benghazi, why weren’t you irate at the 56 people who died in embassy attacks under G. W. Bush? If you think Afghanistan was a mistake, why didn’t you say so when G. W. Bush invaded it?
Iran Contra anyone???? Watergate? Oh how quickly we forget the transgressions of our heroes!

All I can say is either you love all of America, or you are free to leave. People told me that for 8 stolen years. But ignoring facts in light of pursuing ignorance results in oppression, and it neither Christian nor patriotic. It is selfish and defeatist. At any rate I hope you will all learn better than to try and sell me that bullshit sale of goods. I see through you and your duplicitous, bastardized psuedo-nationalistic morality.

Larry King Now – Suze Orman speaks to Larry King on voting for Obama, Americans desperate need for Honey Boo Boo and the future of money. – Ora.Tv

Larry King Now – Suze Orman speaks to Larry King on voting for Obama, Americans desperate need for Honey Boo Boo and the future of money. – Ora.Tv.

I like her style. What she says and how she says it.

Tea is for terrorist –TP domestic terrorist group per International intelligence group

Stratfor-founder George Friedman slams Tea Party in leaked emails from March 2010: “I’m pretty hard right and I’m offended”, “You are living in a country where disagreements degenerate into massively uncivil behavior”, “Physical attacks on people and places you don’t agree with has become acceptable” – Friedman compares Tea Party to “Hitler and Lenin”, other analysts also make comparisons to Nazi-movement ~ Politicalgates.

This is a must read. International intelligence calls out the Tea Party with a blow by blow comparison to the Nazi regime.  These people know what they are talking about. If you disagree, you are blind.

I like the subtle and not so subtle burns on Palin. ‘The TP doesn’t have anyone as charismatic and political savvy as Hitler.’ Ouch. The racial elements to the catering to inbred violent dipshits, this could not be more apt a comparison. This is not opinion, but historical reconciliation between factions that have developed almost to the letter the same way. You don’t have to believe me, but if you can dispute these accounts, well, I would love to hear an cogent offering you might supply.

Get your heads out, people. Shit is getting hectic.

Beastie Boys

Beastie Boys.


I’m not ready yet.