Monthly Archives: April 2021

Mutiny (Pirated)

So long adrift, amiss, lost at sea

Eons pass sans any sight of shore

It’s been a millennium, an eternity

Forty moons, yet it feels like more

Bearing the brutal indifference from the sun

Always struggling to keep the sharks at bay

Countless battles fought, though few are won

Left bereft, afloat; unable to find the way.

Ocean and horizon as far as the eye can see

Amidst this abyss of tsunamic emptiness

As merciless thirst taunts relentlessly

Whilst drowning in a sea of hopelessness.

An outlook so grim makes it more difficult to swim

And treading water in perpetuity can be crippling

The reality; odds of surviving grow increasingly slim

Still I resist surrender so long as the waves are rippling


This day, how endlessly it languishes

It’s closure, sunset holds at bay.

Refusing to surrender

This shall be the longest of Decembers

Brooding skies; held captive by an unrelenting Winter Grey

So calm — the wind is 

Still crisp and bitter cold

Skeletons of leafless limbs invade the horizon

How much longer will dusk be denied?

A stonewalled long awaited moon

Sabotages the new dawn’s rising

THIS is purgatory.

Existence suspended in limbo

Tortured souls are strewn akimbo

Begging the questions — When?

Will this suffering ever end?

Or is penance the price of this eternity?

Where Death abandons the lost

Leaving those who wander here;

To continue to forever.