Monthly Archives: January 2022


Oh. Hey!

Lemme say – 

As I’m on my way out, 

Sans a sliver of doubt, 

This whole deal’s been real

Killin’ time like the Ripper

There’s worse ways to waste space

Than chasin’ the sublime place to place

Beats the hell outta bein’ just another shitsipper

New horizons await

The daylight hours escape me

White Rabbit running lately

To make his date with Fate

Destiny has been patient

As I dragged my feet

Quiet evenings at home

While I roamed the streets

It’s impossible to tell

At the crossroads of heaven & hell

What the future may compel of my legacy

Will I finally conquer trauma

Or shall I succumb to defeat

Does closure await me

Or am I destined to retreat into 

The safe haven solitary recesses of 

My fractured psyche

Though the act of hoping will always be free

It’s a costly fool’s folly to tryan believe a

full recovery is any more than exponentially unlikely

on the precipice of experience

bordering the unknown

wild oats have been sown, 

Still the classification “Full Grown” feels premature & unrealistically hasty

No one seems to know, where all the time goes as

we transform what we once were into what we’re to be

Sensing the end drawing near

The down shifting of gears gives rise to the inevitable inquiry

“What comes next?”

Rising above struggles & strife

The Ripper wants nothing more from life

Than to relinquish the knife 

& relish respite from a life of evisceration

Exchanging a slower pace & less worry, 

For a life infinitely less burry

No longer obligated to hurry

Fearing the threat of truncation

7 Years Flood

7 year flood washed everything away

The waters rose higher

Day after day after day

Striving to abide

Barely managing to survive

Constantly swept up in the deluge

Ever challenging, at times – scary & sometimes

So very incredibly undeniably frightful

Desperately seeking refuge

Never once surrendered, no resignation ever tendered

Though the urge to concede, admittedly – 

was stifled

The currents brewed chaos, cyclones intent on drowning

Swirling, tugging, threatening the world with submersion

Relentlessly the tides continued surmounting

Tsunamic waves crest; plunging the soul into eversion

Treading! Treading! Frantic to stay afloat

Without so much as a life vest, raft or a boat

Consumed by regret for not leaving a note

What if they never made it back home

No one was searching, should they disappear

Assume a typhoon consumed them with fear

To be caught up in a whirlwind so severely austere

Life becomes an inescapable maelstrom