Monthly Archives: July 2012

Synesthesia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Synesthesia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Truly fascinating. I am going to find out more.


Cool site!

This all started with this.

Why the GOP is Schizophrenic…Summary Of A 1993 Republican Health Reform Plan – Kaiser Health News

Summary Of A 1993 Republican Health Reform Plan – Kaiser Health News.

This was their plan in 1993. Universal Health Care. Read it and weep.

Tell me now how this isn’t about race. There is no other answer.

Seriously, I was alive in 93 and I don’t recall ONE person hoohawing about Health Care.

It is almost verbatim the PPACA. Derp!  That the GOP would shit on Health Care Reform that they basically wrote belies mental illness on their part. Ironically, that would be covered for treatment were they to pass the bill Obama put forth OR the bill THEY put forth.
Boggles the mind.

Come on “conservatives’, hit me with your best shot.

The Non-Nerd’s Guide to the God Particle, the Holy Grail of Particle Physics

The Non-Nerd’s Guide to the God Particle, the Holy Grail of Particle Physics.


Very useful for non-science types and delightful for goofy gawkers.