Category Archives: Rhymes on a dime


Oh. Hey!

Lemme say – 

As I’m on my way out, 

Sans a sliver of doubt, 

This whole deal’s been real

Killin’ time like the Ripper

There’s worse ways to waste space

Than chasin’ the sublime place to place

Beats the hell outta bein’ just another shitsipper

New horizons await

The daylight hours escape me

White Rabbit running lately

To make his date with Fate

Destiny has been patient

As I dragged my feet

Quiet evenings at home

While I roamed the streets

It’s impossible to tell

At the crossroads of heaven & hell

What the future may compel of my legacy

Will I finally conquer trauma

Or shall I succumb to defeat

Does closure await me

Or am I destined to retreat into 

The safe haven solitary recesses of 

My fractured psyche

Though the act of hoping will always be free

It’s a costly fool’s folly to tryan believe a

full recovery is any more than exponentially unlikely

on the precipice of experience

bordering the unknown

wild oats have been sown, 

Still the classification “Full Grown” feels premature & unrealistically hasty

No one seems to know, where all the time goes as

we transform what we once were into what we’re to be

Sensing the end drawing near

The down shifting of gears gives rise to the inevitable inquiry

“What comes next?”

Rising above struggles & strife

The Ripper wants nothing more from life

Than to relinquish the knife 

& relish respite from a life of evisceration

Exchanging a slower pace & less worry, 

For a life infinitely less burry

No longer obligated to hurry

Fearing the threat of truncation

7 Years Flood

7 year flood washed everything away

The waters rose higher

Day after day after day

Striving to abide

Barely managing to survive

Constantly swept up in the deluge

Ever challenging, at times – scary & sometimes

So very incredibly undeniably frightful

Desperately seeking refuge

Never once surrendered, no resignation ever tendered

Though the urge to concede, admittedly – 

was stifled

The currents brewed chaos, cyclones intent on drowning

Swirling, tugging, threatening the world with submersion

Relentlessly the tides continued surmounting

Tsunamic waves crest; plunging the soul into eversion

Treading! Treading! Frantic to stay afloat

Without so much as a life vest, raft or a boat

Consumed by regret for not leaving a note

What if they never made it back home

No one was searching, should they disappear

Assume a typhoon consumed them with fear

To be caught up in a whirlwind so severely austere

Life becomes an inescapable maelstrom

Bound By Birth

And now what?
We fight wars our fathers lost
Encumbered by inherited debt from our mothers
When the end comes
We ask, at what cost?
Each new life serves as sacrifice
To pay what is left owed by others?
Being born is not a choice made by any
Even so, gratitude is universally expected
But what of the lives created carelessly
Of which there are many
Who are unwanted, unloved & then summarily neglected?
Do abandoned souls still owe appreciation to those by whom they’ve been rejected?
Could you simply get over it, let it go & move on? Find a way to accept it?
We are all thrust into paternally progenerated conflicts
Buried at birth in maternal arrears
When the search for purpose fails
It’s the fears, through the years that inevitability prevail.

Mutiny (Pirated)

So long adrift, amiss, lost at sea

Eons pass sans any sight of shore

It’s been a millennium, an eternity

Forty moons, yet it feels like more

Bearing the brutal indifference from the sun

Always struggling to keep the sharks at bay

Countless battles fought, though few are won

Left bereft, afloat; unable to find the way.

Ocean and horizon as far as the eye can see

Amidst this abyss of tsunamic emptiness

As merciless thirst taunts relentlessly

Whilst drowning in a sea of hopelessness.

An outlook so grim makes it more difficult to swim

And treading water in perpetuity can be crippling

The reality; odds of surviving grow increasingly slim

Still I resist surrender so long as the waves are rippling


This day, how endlessly it languishes

It’s closure, sunset holds at bay.

Refusing to surrender

This shall be the longest of Decembers

Brooding skies; held captive by an unrelenting Winter Grey

So calm — the wind is 

Still crisp and bitter cold

Skeletons of leafless limbs invade the horizon

How much longer will dusk be denied?

A stonewalled long awaited moon

Sabotages the new dawn’s rising

THIS is purgatory.

Existence suspended in limbo

Tortured souls are strewn akimbo

Begging the questions — When?

Will this suffering ever end?

Or is penance the price of this eternity?

Where Death abandons the lost

Leaving those who wander here;

To continue to forever.


this existence;

so romanticized by a future of unknowns

souls willfully meander into the blind anticipation

of mere perpetuation

never questioning Legacy


following following yet clueless as to where

to where?

begat, beget forget why just continue

so constrictive is this freedom

certainty comes at a cost

to so many wholly unaware

or even slightly

suspecting the possibility of being lost

tread the path well worn beneath all feet

before you and behind

this is how to find

the mind which never wanders 


Gravitas and darkness descended uninvited

Insufficient effort had been made to hold them at bay

This storm had been brewing ‘mongst the brambles

Gathering strength in the briars brutal disarray

A growling sky roared angrily

Foreboding fury floated through electrified air

Chaos was coming. It was on the way.

Chaos is coming. It’s here.

Upon arrival archaic window panes shatter

Historic doors ripped in whole from brass hinges

Shards of sacred stained glass splinters through

The air, strewn betwixt the day’s tattered fringes

Seek shelter! Seek shelter! Echoed chamber to chamber

Take cover! Rang throughout hallowed halls.

Huddle yourselves in a safe haven, were the warnings

Hunker down as the Republic falls

The maelstrom has broached our safe harbor

Tsunamic waves of betrayal decimate our shores

Should we survive this unprovoked siege, should we persevere

Our bay of Liberty shall be changed for evermore.

heartbreak karmic floe


two winds from the same earth’s dearth corner

reminiscent enough of gemini

to easily interchange

the convolution creates an illusory inseparability

though the tempests remain autonomously alone

rushing briskly over oceans and seas

amassing collections of debris in whirling eddys

struggling and screaching through jagged branched trees’ leaves

‘round staunchly stoney mountain crags

which hinder their momentum

until all strides are left broken

gusting gales and hurricanes

Maestroms of tunneling tornadic pain

‘cross all longitudes and latitudes

then back again

in relentless never ending cycles

every midday finds high noon

each night overwhelms the souls with starkness

just as dusk has always ushered a new day’s dawn

hope remains that zephyrs may outrun the darkness



Samsara hostage fugitive
To be forgiven or to forgive
Asks the perigee moon.
The tides roll high
towards the midnight sky
casting shadows on the picayune.

Ashes to dust and back again
Bound by vows or original sin
Karma curses mortals.
Vanquish doubt, strife and fears
watch as suffering disappears
in thresholds of mahasattvic portals.

Gate, gate, paragate
parasamgate bodhisattva
Find liberation on the other shore.
Prajnaparamita awaits you there,
once you lay down your oar.


So well practiced at the art
Of not giving a shit
The act of really feeling
Makes me sick

Needing no one,
I will never quit
Loving is the one habit
I vow to lick.